A natural approach to haircutting.

Jay Lamb 403 640 2076


Hello, I have recently moved to Merville from Calgary. I have over 35 years experience and have worked in Calgary at some of the most noted salons such as The Ginger Group and Angles.

A few quick things to know before I tell you about my approach to hairstyling:

I offer salon hairstyling or house calls. I work in a beautiful, small, relaxed, salon in Comox called The Common Place. To book an appointment there please go to the salon website, here. If you have trouble booking online you can call the salon and leave a message at 250 941 0076. If you are considering a house call you can scroll down on this page to learn more about that. For house calls, please contact me directly at 403 640 2076 or use Facebook Messenger on salonserenecomoxvalley or salonserene1@gmail.com

Please note that unfortunately I am unable to service very ill people as I am an empath. If you are unfamiliar with empaths, here is a link to a website that explains it. You may find helpful information for yourself or others too. https://drjudithorloff.com/top-10-traits-of-an-empath/

To learn about me and my approach to hairstyling please visit the "Quick Faq's" and "A Natural Way" pages.

A word or three about house call haircutting.

I have noticed there to be three general perceptions about having someone come to your home to cut your hair. One: “it’s a great luxury, you don’t have to leave the house and it’s comfortable, personal and relaxed”; two: “the salon experience is preferable for various reasons, I just like going to a salon”; three: “I’d like to have someone come to my home but I’m a little uncomfortable about having someone I’ve never met, especially a male, come over, I don’t feel totally safe”.

For the first group I can come to your home and you’ll find it quite enjoyable and comfortable as so many of my clients do. For the second group, I work in a small salon in the valley a couple of days a week (The Common Place salon) and we can do your hair there. For the third group, I understand your concerns and suggest going to my website, reading the “quick faq’s” page, the testimonials and my Google reviews to find out that I am a very gentle, caring person who gives very nice haircuts.

Please feel free to contact me via phone, text, email or Facebook messenger with any questions,


"As a fellow hairstylist, I was thrilled to have Jay cut and style my hair. I have very fine hair, and was very pleased with Jay’s communication and cutting techniques. He is an extremely good listener, has a wonderful, calming energy and is very talented. - Kathy Branch

Please see my other reviews on Google, search Salon Serene Comox Valley. You can also have a look at the Testimonials page above.